The Importance of Hygiene Access for Unhoused Individuals


April 17, 2023


Addressing the impact of poor hygiene on health and social inclusion among people experiencing homelessness.

Access to hygiene facilities is a significant issue for people experiencing homelessness. Without access to clean water, restrooms, and showers, unhoused individuals are at increased risk of developing health problems including infections, skin diseases, and other illnesses. Poor hygiene can also make it difficult for unhoused individuals to secure employment, access public services, and interact with others.

Lack of access to hygiene facilities also contributes to the stigma experienced by unhoused individuals. The public perception of homelessness is often associated with uncleanliness and poor hygiene, which often leads to negative attitudes and discrimination toward them.


Why cities fail to provide hygiene facilities

Despite the importance of access to hygiene facilities, many cities and communities do not provide adequate resources for unhoused individuals to meet their needs. There are several reasons why cities may not provide hygiene facilities:

  • Budget constraints. Providing hygiene facilities can be costly, and some cities may not have the financial resources to allocate to this issue.

  • NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) attitudes. Unhoused individuals and their hygiene needs can be seen as a nuisance by some residents, who may oppose the placement of hygiene facilities in their neighborhoods.

  • Lack of political will. Homelessness is a complex issue, and addressing it requires a coordinated effort from multiple stakeholders. Some politicians may lack the political will to address homelessness or may prioritize other issues.

  • Bureaucratic obstacles. The process of building and operating hygiene facilities can be complicated and time-consuming, involving multiple government agencies and stakeholders. Bureaucratic obstacles and red tape can make it challenging for cities.

  • Stigma and discrimination. There is a stigma associated with homelessness, and some people may believe that homeless individuals are responsible for their situation and do not deserve assistance. This attitude makes it challenging to garner support for hygiene initiatives.


Solutions for hygiene access

Providing access to hygiene facilities is a basic human right that should be afforded to all individuals, regardless of their housing status. Addressing the issue of hygiene access can not only improve the physical health of unhoused individuals but also contribute to their overall well-being, self-esteem, and social inclusion.

Initiatives such as mobile shower units, portable restrooms, handwashing stations, and hygiene kits can help provide basic hygiene needs. Public facilities and service centers—such as libraries, drop-in centers, community centers, and public parks—can also be used to provide access to restrooms and showers. It also requires political will, adequate resources, and a coordinated effort from multiple stakeholders to ensure a hygiene program’s sustainability.

We can all do our part to support initiatives aimed at providing hygiene facilities to unhoused individuals, including donating to local organizations, advocating for change at the local, state, and national levels, or even starting a hygiene new initiative. Together, we can all work towards a more just and equitable world where hygiene is a human right, and people everywhere can move through homelessness with dignity and respect.

Are you ready to make a difference?

Join our mission to change the way the world sees and serves our unhoused neighbors. Learn how you can support our work and start your own mobile hygiene or Pop-Up Care Village program.

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