Helping Hands of Rockland Brings Mobile Showers to Nyak, NY


January 6, 2022


Helping Hands of Rockland brings essential hygiene and care services to Nyak, New York



Helping Hands of Rockland has provided services to people experiencing homelessness in Rockland County since 2004. In 2020, Helping Hands of Rockland decided to expand its services by adding mobile hygiene. Anna Kolbecka, Executive Director of Helping Hands of Rockland, was charged with starting the program and worked with Rockland County to purchase a trailer. Soon after, Anna reached out to LavaMaeˣ to receive logistical and operational assistance and joined our 1:1 Mentorship program in August 2021.


How LavaMaeˣ Helped

Over the next few months, LavaMaeˣ Programs Director Amber Wise worked with Anna and her team on how to staff the mobile hygiene program and provided virtual operations and service delivery training. Amber also sent over service supply lists, trailer design specifications, and our operations manual to develop the program.


Helping Hands of Rockland Service Model

  • Helping Hands provides showers two days a week with its two-stall trailer fit with showers, toilets, and sinks.

  • Helping Hands staffs the program with three people per service day.

  • In the future, Helping Hands plans to add mobile laundry and mobile food pantry services to its programs.


About Helping Hands of Rockland

Helping Hands is a front-line, volunteer-driven, interfaith-based human rescue organization in Rockland County that finds, engages, and assists people in their time of dire need who are homeless, in need of housing, or food insecure, regardless of their circumstances.

Our services include hot and cold food, clothing, and hygiene supplies & shower services, and advocate for its constituents by connecting them with providers of housing, medical, mental health, addiction, and immigration services.

We value the establishment of a safe haven, the creation of a kind and caring atmosphere, and the restoration of dignity lost.


How to Help

To learn more about Helping Hands of Rockland, visit them online.

To support LavaMaeˣ and bring more mobile shower programs to the street, you can donate here.


Start Your Own Mobile Hygiene Program

Just getting started? Join our Connect platform and download our Mobile Hygiene toolkit, attend community events, and meet other like-minded service providers across the globe to see what it takes to get started.

Already committed to starting your own mobile hygiene program? Learn about our 1:1 Mentorship program to get personalized consulting and training.

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